Doug on proud as a peacock
Stunning plumage and superb shot
Yonatan on proud as a peacock
Such a beautiful capture!
DarkElf on tadpole in flight
wow! superbly caught! i also agree about the signature...
Loner on Landing Gear Employed
I love particularly your bird's photos! Your port folio is wonderful!
Loner on the royalty of the tern family
A very nice shot of this Caspian tern !
Loner on tadpole in flight
Fantastic picture! It is a pity that your signature goes through the middle of the picture.
Paul on the royalty of the tern family
Nice one
DIMITRIOS on the royalty of the tern family
brilliant, bravo
Meysam on spear
Unbelievable capture. Congratulations.
Richard on spear
This is a brilliant capture. So sharp and full of details. You get 5 stars from me!!
Barbara on taking a bow
A proud shot.
Barbara on sticking out
My kind of shot. Nice details.
Barbara on Landing Gear Employed
Another great timing on the shutter. Great flow to the wings, nice composition.
Barbara on dinner dance
Superb timing. Nice colors and textures of the feathers.
Shahryar on sticking out
It's great :)
Mathew D'sa on a riot of color
Lovely , lovely !! I am an Indian and the peacock is our national bird.
Mathew D'sa on fleet security
Lovely !! I am happy for you that you have such wonderful subjects to choose. I live in Dubai and there's nothing ...
Mathew D'sa on primping
very nice Christine/ I really like the pictures on your page
Mathew D'sa on taking a bow
wonderful !!
Mathew D'sa on sticking out
Yi Yi Yi !!! Brrrrrrr... Snakes give me the creeps. I do like the picture though. It's an excellent capture. Well ...
Julie on taking a bow
Julie on sticking out
une très belle photo
Christine on taking a bow
Thanks for the comments. Yes Paul, this was in the wild.
Larry Elkins on sticking out
Nice shot! Something different from snake slithers across ground. Larry Elkins
Paul on taking a bow
Great capture was this in the wild??
LauraS on taking a bow
Very interesting pose!
Shahryar on taking a bow
great capture :)
Laces on destruction of the Crowne
nice presentation and detail. I don't like the first image though, it doesn't flow quite right.
Laces on waiting for his princess
perfect, except for the harsh lighting, try to dull down in photoshop. love the pose and the angle you took this image ...
Laces on we want a show
haha! hilarious, I love that they aren't looking at you, tis the secret to photographing children. shhh,,,you have ...
Laces on vaquero
powerful image! the black and white was a great decision, beautiful detail in the horse and I love the angle and ...
Laces on coming for you
are you in SCA? nice shot!
Laces on leap
Good job raising your shutter speed, too bad it still was a little blurry. shaky camera perhaps? Your subject is nice ...
Laces on toll collector
Following the rule of thirds really supports this image. Everything about this image is beautifully choreographed and ...
Laces on in disguise
Hilarious and wonderful!I love the detail and personality. Where did you see these gorgous critters?!
Laces on with a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin
impeccable detail!
Laces on a riot of color
impressive, the busy background doesn't detract at all and even helps the image. wonderful.
Laces on fleet security
your ability to capture animal life at its most interesting, every animal you have here has such personality. keep up ...
Laces on primping
beautiful detail and colour, the angle is great. The focus was distracting though, the head should be more in focus ...
Laces on alligator for dinner
cute, and nice detail. the lighting was nice, but the reflection in his eyes was a bit distracting, try editing that on ...
Barbara on with a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin
Remarkable capture. What nice white teeth! I like the reflection.
Barbara on life's a whirl
Excellent long shutter to capture the lights.
Barbara on alligator for dinner
Quite and amazing and timely capture. They are predatory and will kill their own. Especially now is mating season. If ...
Curly on alligator for dinner
Exceptional "snappy" image! :-)
Shahryar on alligator for dinner
wow! great capture :)
Elora on alligator for dinner
oh my goodness...please tell me he is just biting his tail!
Steve on primping
A beautiful well captured image!
Bosk on who is that caped crusader?
Very cool